Manage multiple Java JDK versions on a Mac
As an Android developer, you will most likely have come into contact with Java and its JDK (Java Development Kit). Gradle version 7 and above requires JDK version 11 - which is bundled with Android Studio 2020.3.1 Arctic Fox.
If you have read my post about installing and managing updates of your JDK versions with Android Studio you have found an option to install and update the JDK(s) separate from the Android Studio embedded one. From time to time you may need a specific version for different projects.
Running java
from the terminal runs by default the latest installed version. So starting e.g. ./gradlew app:assembleRelease
from the terminal will use the Java JDK that is currently set.
Set specific JDK version
Info: /usr/bin/java
is not just a symbolic link to a Virtual Machines /bin/java
binary. Instead, it behaves like a proxy binary by default - it finds the latest installed JDK and uses that when executing. However, you can instruct it to use a specific version.
If you want to run a specific version you have to specify the environment variable $JAVA_HOME
pointing to the path of the version you want to use.
You can list all installed Java versions with the following command:
/usr/libexec/java_home -V
Will show you a list like this
Matching Java Virtual Machines (4): (x86_64) " Inc." - "Amazon Corretto 11" /Users/joachim/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/corretto-11.0.12/Contents/Home
1.8.0_312 (x86_64) "Amazon" - "Amazon Corretto 8" /Users/joachim/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/corretto-1.8.0_312/Contents/Home
1.8.0_302 (x86_64) "Amazon" - "Amazon Corretto 8" /Users/joachim/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/corretto-1.8.0_302/Contents/Home
1.8.0_275 (x86_64) "Amazon" - "Amazon Corretto 8" /Users/joachim/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/corretto-1.8.0_275/Contents/Home
The last line shows the path to the latest Java home.
You can get the path to a specific version with the following command:
/usr/libexec/java_home -v1.8
This will get the path to the latest installation of the specified version 1.8
Combining this you can modify your .zshrc
(resp. .bashrc
) to set your $JAVA_HOME
to a specific version
# Path to JAVA
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v1.8)
Starting a terminal now you will see the output of echo $JAVA_HOME
resulting in the path
And running java -version
will show you the version details like this
openjdk version "1.8.0_312"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto-8.312.07.1 (build 1.8.0_312-b07)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto-8.312.07.1 (build 25.312-b07, mixed mode)
Change JDK version (temporarily)
You might like to change the version just for your current terminal session a little more convenient with the following function added to your .zshrc
jdk() {
unset JAVA_HOME;
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v"$version");
java -version
In a new terminal session you will be able to use that function like this
jdk 11
This sets $JAVA_HOME
to the latest 11 version path and so java -version
will result in
openjdk version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Corretto- (build 11.0.12+7-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Corretto- (build 11.0.12+7-LTS, mixed mode)
Setting the version with the fuction jdk
will change the version for this session - closing this terminal session and starting a new one will take the value of the $JAVA_HOME
set with first export